2009-02-08 16:47:08 UTC
X-Newsreader: slrn/ (Debian)
Message-ID: <***@centurytel.net>
Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2009 10:47:08 -0600
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X-Usenet-Provider: http://www.giganews.com
X-Trace: sv3-fKcyrm0U+ZUGtebQyXb4zTr2Jd7mhxUCp91eSTu6QfSbqELetFpNMcolCifGP9/5AHVve3jMfER0B3l!+z+NEFIJj8CPTrjTP3oUtD3ypp8ziwIvYnRSmgmguBN4g9gLidBrr2Q6bpdnAeuxVKzomV3ASQDX!5ma1LAXEIThRR0x8RsahSwaH7AdbMVsBRD1XCn+SiwZrTtg=
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Xref: number1.nntp.dca.giganews.com alt.usenet.kooks:1840726 alt.fan.art-bell:883588 alt.fucknozzles:100040 alt.snuhwolf:392
Your years of being a Usenet bastard are going to bite you in the
ass in real life. I love it.
report it? Oh that's right, because he's not doing those things
report a "crime" where none exists.
Why would he take legal advice from a stalker? And why are you giving
legal advice to strangers online?
Its a form of threat.
Crystal, huh?
legal advice you should be giving is the advice to get legal counsel
from a competent attorney.
Why give advice thats useful to ones enemy?
I'm jus sayin...
Ah, the countless hours of *free* entertainment they provide me.
Usenet: its a real deal in a shitty economy!
enemies over the years* doesn't penetrate their thick skulls.
Most people fight their flame wars on usenet and leave it at that. It
takes a special kind of kook to threaten legal action, particularly
Ive been mocked with death threats, websites with doctored jpgs of me
with a nice headwound photoshopped in...etc...etc.
But I wear it as a badge of honor. I also have four or five (forgetting
now) newsfroups in my honor...but I was a *smarty*...*I* caught on to
the *distinction* between RL and usenet early.
Some people...not so much...
Maybe CNN will pick it up...
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Message-ID: <***@centurytel.net>
Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2009 10:47:08 -0600
Lines: 127
X-Usenet-Provider: http://www.giganews.com
X-Trace: sv3-fKcyrm0U+ZUGtebQyXb4zTr2Jd7mhxUCp91eSTu6QfSbqELetFpNMcolCifGP9/5AHVve3jMfER0B3l!+z+NEFIJj8CPTrjTP3oUtD3ypp8ziwIvYnRSmgmguBN4g9gLidBrr2Q6bpdnAeuxVKzomV3ASQDX!5ma1LAXEIThRR0x8RsahSwaH7AdbMVsBRD1XCn+SiwZrTtg=
X-Complaints-To: ***@centurytel.net
X-DMCA-Complaints-To: ***@centurytel.net
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X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly
X-Postfilter: 1.3.39
Bytes: 6209
X-Original-Bytes: 6145
Xref: number1.nntp.dca.giganews.com alt.usenet.kooks:1840726 alt.fan.art-bell:883588 alt.fucknozzles:100040 alt.snuhwolf:392
Your little piece of paper trash that arrived in my mailbox is not
welcome, you are hereby notified to stay away from me and to stay
out of my mailboxes. I will not call you on the phone to discuss
your "certain matters" (no doubt pertaining to your severely
ruffled kook feathers, I assume).
LOL!!!welcome, you are hereby notified to stay away from me and to stay
out of my mailboxes. I will not call you on the phone to discuss
your "certain matters" (no doubt pertaining to your severely
ruffled kook feathers, I assume).
Your years of being a Usenet bastard are going to bite you in the
ass in real life. I love it.
Any additional pathetic attempts to harass and stalk me in my real
life will be scanned and made available for the entire world to
laugh at. If you actually do follow through on your impotent
life will be scanned and made available for the entire world to
laugh at. If you actually do follow through on your impotent
to file some kind of legal action against me, it will be most
amusing to see what "damages" you claim to have suffered as a
result of your bleating and posturing on Usenet.
If he's "stalking" and "harassing" then why not call the cops andamusing to see what "damages" you claim to have suffered as a
result of your bleating and posturing on Usenet.
report it? Oh that's right, because he's not doing those things
calling the cops would just get YOU in trouble.
Correct. It's a real-deal crime -at least in NJ - to knowinglyreport a "crime" where none exists.
legal advice to strangers online?
Carl is obviously legally-illiterate. He seems to think he's posted
some sort of "notice" he can rely upon later.
I think that telling you not to write to him is pretty clear notice.some sort of "notice" he can rely upon later.
Perhaps you think the mailman is stalking you, too, since he visits
your mailbox every day. And the goddamn phone company people are
criminal harassers, too, for publishing your phone number and
address. LOL!!
The mailman is evidently immune because Cry-baby Carl has notyour mailbox every day. And the goddamn phone company people are
criminal harassers, too, for publishing your phone number and
address. LOL!!
notified" the mail carrier to stay away.
Did I mention legal illiteracy?
Surely this is one of those adversarial situations in which the onlyDid I mention legal illiteracy?
legal advice you should be giving is the advice to get legal counsel
from a competent attorney.
I'm jus sayin...
I will not respond to any replies to this post.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, poor little troll is scared to post becausegetting sued over stuff he's posted in the past. Poor widdle
So far, to my knowledge, all Little-Girl-Carl got was a polite
And now he's told you not to write to him again.
These taunt fests are a laugh riot.Ah, the countless hours of *free* entertainment they provide me.
Usenet: its a real deal in a shitty economy!
You're a cowering spankard on Usenet, and soon to be a cowering
spankard in real life. Your lower lip is quivering right now,
spankard in real life. Your lower lip is quivering right now,
it? Cry, pussy, it's all you can do.
(PLACEHOLDER: Here's where several idiots claim, in ROT13, that
(PLACEHOLDER: Here's where several idiots claim, in ROT13, that
"Bowtie" or "Greg".)
Or me. The idea they *might just possibly have made more than a fewenemies over the years* doesn't penetrate their thick skulls.
takes a special kind of kook to threaten legal action, particularly
the kook is a libeling fuckhead.
Some people *never* get usenet culture.Ive been mocked with death threats, websites with doctored jpgs of me
with a nice headwound photoshopped in...etc...etc.
But I wear it as a badge of honor. I also have four or five (forgetting
now) newsfroups in my honor...but I was a *smarty*...*I* caught on to
the *distinction* between RL and usenet early.
Some people...not so much...
Even one among them has turned on *them* without telling, and is
discussing things in the "backchannel," LOL!
Well, I guess that'll come out in the discovery, eh?discussing things in the "backchannel," LOL!
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