Letter to the NJ Bar
(too old to reply)
2009-02-14 16:37:48 UTC
On Sat, 14 Feb 2009 09:14:58 -0500, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
On Fri, 13 Feb 2009 12:04:10 -0600, in the land of alt.aratzio,
On Thu, 12 Feb 2009 21:14:19 -0600, in the land of alt.aratzio,
On Thu, 12 Feb 2009 18:14:43 -0800, Aratzio
On Thu, 12 Feb 2009 17:38:52 -0800, in the land of alt.aratzio,
On Thu, 12 Feb 2009 07:34:36 -0800, Aratzio
On Wed, 11 Feb 2009 21:27:08 -0800, in alt.aratzio, miguel
On Wed, 11 Feb 2009 20:04:53 -0800, Aratzio
On Wed, 11 Feb 2009 18:37:39 -0800, in the land of
On Wed, 11 Feb 2009 17:38:04 -0800, Aratzio
On Wed, 11 Feb 2009 16:55:06 -0800, in the land of
On Wed, 11 Feb 2009 07:06:51 -0800, Aratzio
On Tue, 10 Feb 2009 22:49:03 -0800, in alt.aratzio,
On Tue, 10 Feb 2009 13:30:43 -0800, Aratzio
On Tue, 10 Feb 2009 15:51:39 -0500, in
alt.usenet.kooks, Dead Kitten
On Mon, 09 Feb 2009 20:16:42 -0800, in
alt.usenet.kooks, Some Guy
I predict a great silence on this front.
He does seem to run away
Speaking of running away, why did you run screaming
from all these posts?
Those are all extremely tame, yet you avoided them
like the plague for some reason.
Incoherence and 3 cascades.
Alexa & HJ, really? You think ignoring those is fear?
Are you so stupid that you do not understand what is a
cascade? I thought miggy's whine this morning was the
stupidest post I had seen this week. But you stepped up
and showed him, "you betcha". You weren't gonna let
some lamer out lame you, no sirree bob. You jumped
right up, shoved both feet in your mouth and then
tried to swallow just to make sure that they couldn't
get away.
But direct evidence of you actually "running away" and
See how that works, cupcake? I post, you run.
Now run, lil coward, run.
<Miggy attempts "intelligent discussion" to the best of
his abilities>
Uh, no, stupidarse. I already told you you aren't worth
the effort. Do you have some reading comprehension
The poster boy for illiteracy breaks out the IKYABWAI!
If you are going to continue to use BWAHAHAHAHAHA please get
it right. There must be an A between the W and the H.
Otherwise it doesn't work phonetically.
Thank you for your compliance, bitch.
Poor lil whiner miggy, cback to your spelling lames. Ironic
that onomatopoeia is what you tried to lame.
You never did get back to me as to why you thought your
Telletubbies obsession was "intelligent discussion".
Perhaps because I never suggested such a thing?
You are a hypocrite who has never been able to discuss
anything without it turning into one of your "poor pitiable
me" whines.
You sure are special.
You sure are obsessive, cranstard. Is there money in
being a hypocritical tool?
Has the thought ever crossed your mind that there is some
slight possibility that you are projecting when you call
somebody else obsessed?
No, but do continue, Dr. Freud. Explain how your jumping in
threads and trying to flame with your kiddy flames and
whine about how you were abused by Lionel would be
construed as my being obsessed.
<miggy demonstrating he can't provide anything like facts>
Why should I provide some explanation to your completely
irrational assertion?
Really, irrational? In what way, cranstard? In what way would
you claim that my statements I supported with facts are in
some way irrational and your bizzarre and unsupported claims
are rational. Here is your opportunity at proving me wrong.
All you have to do is come up with some verifiable facts that
support your claim.
My behavior isn't a marker for your obsession, dumbass.
Yours is.
"I know you are but what am i"
"<stomp>it isn't me, it is you<stomp>"
Yeah, that whole "intelligent discussion" whine of yours is
so well supported by your own words. Best part as always of
your pathetic mewling is how you never take responsibility
for your own words and actions. It is always someone elses
fault that you are in whatever situation you find yourself,
you were not responsible. It never ceases to amaze me the
level of delusion mewlers like you will stoop to defend your
own fuckwittery.
Calm down little guy. Your prostate gland might explode.
Miggy picks fight, gets run over and then starts bailing with
non sequiturs.
Responding to your idiocy and laughing at you hardly equals non
sequitur, dumbass.
Monkey See, Monkey Do. I wonder how many times it is pointed out
in the middle of cranstard's whine-a-thons that he is an idiot
and people are laughing at him.
Either way, your "prostate gland" lame is either a Non Sequitur
or a delusion. You do know what the definition of Non Sequitur
is, right?
Well, at least RhonDumb came to your aid. Now you two can have
one of your pity parties and whine about how you don't deserve
the abuse you bring upon yourself.
Wow, that RhonDumb bit brings the house down every time. Did you
think that one up all by yourself?
Pretty sure I stole it from spooge or cujo, cranstard. Maybe you
can whine about it some more and see if that helps or makes me
stop doing something that annoys you. You never know, it could
Do you actually think that Rhonda experiences any emotional
reaction to "Rhondumb?" If so, you are stupider than I thought.
He also suffers from a memory deficit. "Rhondumb" is entirely his
own invention.
Glad someone had enough emotional reaction to remember such an
important detail.
All that spinning must make you very dizzy.
Yeah, Rhondumb, that only one person could even be bothered to
remember such an inconsequential detail does indicate more than a
passing fancy.
That you tried to lay blame for your puerile coinage on other people is
not an inconsequential detail, but the mark of your character. Then
again, your character is inconsequential. Silly me.
Really, I believe it meant nothing to you.
I value your opinion about as much as I value Novins'. What does that
tell you?
So what was the first date I ever used that?
I haven't got a clue.
Why are you arguing with a fucking nut?
"2 is 12"
Aratzio, indicating that he can't count to twelve.
"I believe every sockpuppet is Gregie or bowtie...As you are obviously
well aware."
Aratzio, in a post edit of
"hear barnyard animals as you post"
Aratzio, indicating that he has auditory hallucinations.
The undifferentiated halfwit lamer takes its act on the road.

Thus proving in its own vacuous knob that it is not an obsessive
undifferentiated halfwit lamer.
2009-02-14 17:29:34 UTC
On Sat, 14 Feb 2009 12:00:52 -0500, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
Post by Aratzio
Why are you arguing with a fucking nut?
"2 is 12"
Aratzio, indicating that he can't count to twelve.
"I believe every sockpuppet is Gregie or bowtie...As you are obviously
well aware."
Aratzio, in a post edit of
"hear barnyard animals as you post"
Aratzio, indicating that he has auditory hallucinations.
The undifferentiated halfwit lamer takes its act on the road.
You like that? Me too.
The one where you employed post editing to make an IKYABWAI lame is
especially amusing, even though that quote doesn't make it clear that
it's an IKYABWAI.
The undifferentiated halfwit lamer unable to actually develop cogent
or original thought must therefore use lying by virtue of its
hysterical need to snip context.
2009-02-15 00:01:54 UTC
On Sat, 14 Feb 2009 12:35:50 -0500, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
Post by Aratzio
On Sat, 14 Feb 2009 12:00:52 -0500, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
Post by Aratzio
Why are you arguing with a fucking nut?
"2 is 12"
Aratzio, indicating that he can't count to twelve.
"I believe every sockpuppet is Gregie or bowtie...As you are obviously
well aware."
Aratzio, in a post edit of
"hear barnyard animals as you post"
Aratzio, indicating that he has auditory hallucinations.
The undifferentiated halfwit lamer takes its act on the road.
You like that? Me too.
The one where you employed post editing to make an IKYABWAI lame is
especially amusing, even though that quote doesn't make it clear that
it's an IKYABWAI.
The undifferentiated halfwit lamer unable to actually develop cogent
or original thought must therefore use lying by virtue of its
hysterical need to snip context.
Keep crying about having your insane quotes posted, self-spankard, that
makes it even funnier.
The undifferentiated halfwit lamer unable to actually defend its usage
of context snipping delves deep into the halfwit lamers playbook for
the ad hominem. How original.
2009-05-06 08:41:03 UTC
Notebooks stocks price

Post by Aratzio
On Sat, 14 Feb 2009 12:00:52 -0500, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
Post by Aratzio
Why are you arguing with a fucking nut?
"2 is 12"
Aratzio, indicating that he can't count to twelve.
"I believe every sockpuppet is Gregie or bowtie...As you are obviously
well aware."
Aratzio, in a post edit of
"hear barnyard animals as you post"
Aratzio, indicating that he has auditory hallucinations.
The undifferentiated halfwit lamer takes its act on the road.
You like that? Me too.
The one where you employed post editing to make an IKYABWAI lame is
especially amusing, even though that quote doesn't make it clear that
it's an IKYABWAI.
The undifferentiated halfwit lamer unable to actually develop cogent
or original thought must therefore use lying by virtue of its
hysterical need to snip context.